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Asphalt Paving

Parking Lot Stripping

Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your parking area

Precise Striping Services for Safe & Attractive Parking Lots

At Great Lakes Paving, we understand that the details matter. Our parking lot striping services are designed to enhance the visual appeal of your parking area and prioritize safety and functionality. With a commitment to excellence and years of expertise, we bring precision and professionalism to every striping project.

Parking Lot Maintenace

Contact us today to get started

Our Parking Lot Striping Services

Parking Lot

Layout and Design

Our experienced team works with you to create a customized layout that maximizes parking capacity and optimizes traffic flow. We consider your specific needs, local regulations, and accessibility requirements in designing the perfect striping plan for your parking lot.

Striping Parking Lot

Precision Striping

We use state-of-the-art equipment and high-quality paint to ensure crisp, durable, long-lasting stripes. Whether it's parking space lines, handicap markings, or directional arrows, our precision striping adds a professional touch to your parking lot.

ADA Compliance Parking Lot

ADA Compliance

Great Lakes Paving is committed to ensuring that your parking lot meets ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance standards. We meticulously incorporate the required accessible parking spaces, access aisles, and signage to create an inclusive environment.

Paving Surfaces

Job well done!

Why Parking Lot Striping Matters

Safety First

Clearly marked parking spaces, directional arrows, and crosswalks are crucial for ensuring the safety of both drivers and pedestrians. Our striping services are tailored to meet safety standards and local regulations, providing a secure environment for all.

Improved Traffic Flow

Well-defined lines and markings contribute to a smooth and efficient traffic flow within your parking lot. Our expert striping ensures that your parking spaces are optimized for maximum capacity and ease of use.

Enhanced Aesthetics

A freshly striped parking lot not only looks polished and professional but also reflects positively on your business or property. The visual appeal of a well-marked parking area creates a positive first impression for visitors and customers.

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40 years of experience

Trust Our Services


Expertise and Experience

With over 40 years of experience in the asphalt industry, we bring expertise to every striping project. Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of parking lot design and striping, ensuring a job is done right the first time.


Quality Materials

We use high-quality, durable striping paint that withstands the elements and heavy traffic, ensuring that your markings remain clear and vibrant for an extended period.


Timely and Efficient

We understand the importance of minimal disruption to your business or property. Our team works efficiently to complete striping projects promptly, allowing you to resume normal operations with minimal downtime.

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